Advantages of stretch winding film in daily application

Date: 2023-02-14 Source:本站 Author:超级管理员 Click:54frequency

Stretching film is suitable for packaging materials of food and medicine. It can only be used as food utensils, medical devices, and insulating materials for electronic industry. The tensile film has the advantages of good flexibility, impact resistance, tear resistance, resistance to damage, moisture resistance, and great flexibility. What are the advantages in daily application?

1、 Reduce atmospheric environmental pollution: because the thickness of the pre-stretched stretch film is significantly thinner, the use of the same goods in packaging is also significantly reduced, resulting in a reduction in the total transport volume, thus reducing the transport energy consumption and exhaust emissions, and reducing the pollution of the atmospheric environment.

2、 Reduce the amount of waste treatment: the amount of pre-stretching film used for the same package of goods is significantly reduced, so the amount of post-use recycling treatment of stretching film is also reduced by about 50%.

3、 Recycling and recycling: green and environment-friendly winding film can be 100% recycled and granulated in the factory using general recycling equipment. It can not only reduce environmental pollution, but also save the cost of recycling packaging.

4、 Reduce the overall packaging cost: replace the traditional stretch film with green environmental protection film, which significantly reduces the total amount of use, so its use cost, transportation cost and storage cost have decreased.

5、 Convenient to use and high efficiency: due to the green stretch film, it has been pretreated with pre-stretching technology, which is quite labor-saving to use, and can be operated by men, women and children without special packaging machines and special packaging sites. At the same weight, the length of each roll of this green stretch film is more than twice that of the ordinary stretch film, which can reduce the frequency of changing the film roll during packaging, and also save costs in transportation, packaging and distribution. 0532-86629796 138 - 5325 - 8021